Help Me Pay for My Acting School! :D

Friday, September 13, 2013

My Education Goals

For we all know that learning and shaping your craft in acting (or even anything else, but let's just talk about acting for now) is something you'll do all your life. If you are an actor, or anticipate on being one, you will learn and study and take workshop and what not, all your life. Its important to always sharpen your skills. 

But since Im just starting, Im still in the "i have to go to acting school to make my acting skills flourish" so I have been thinking about which school to go to. Right know, im still in high school, which I do at home. I always have been homeschooled with an american program (where I learned english quite at a young age) so since I am 17 years old, I am in my last high school year. I think you guys call it grade 12? in French its a bit different so im unsure. Anyways, Its like a preparatory year to go to University. So, since I finished grade 11th in may, I started this last year in June to be sure to finish as quick as possible. I'll be graduating in December, so Im really happy.

Once I'll get my Diploma, I can go anywhere! The acting school that I have my eyes on, required me to have a diploma. The one I thought I would absolutely go, was the Toronto Academy of Acting for Film and Television in January 2014. Of course, because thats where I went in August for the acting camp and my teacher was so pleased that he told me he would make me enter the program without needing the audition. I was glad and expected going there without asking any questions....but the thing is, some problems have occured with the administration and know im confused...its not that easy, and whatever that teacher said, the admin doesn't 

So right now, its on the shelf. And as I was looking on the web some other schools, I thought, "what if there is not only one acting school in Toronto? maybe there's another one..", so I checked and guess what I found! A complete 18 months program in Acting for Film and Television with the Toronto Film School. Yes, obviously it is more expensive, but thats because its 18 months rather than 4, and the program is damn well constructed with all kind of usefull classes. So im really thinking about it right now. There is always groups beginning in January, April, July, and October....I thought that maybe it would be smart to start in April rather than January because I would have more time to save up some money. And yes, I would def do the tape.

So yeah, thats it for now...its a lot of decisions, and I always have trouble making decisions when there's money involved....and there is a lot involved in this decision. anyways, I hope to find a good school....personally, I kind of really want to go to this one instead of my first one. Its just so much more complete! and there's a diploma too and I don't know...I just think it would be best. 

Long story short, I got to Graduate in December, work work work, and go live in Toronto for close to 2 years at acting school. Sounds like a dream to me! :)

Tári ~

Gotta stay motivated friends!

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