Now of course for us fellow actors/actresses it might be really hard sometimes to deal with rejection and all the negative thoughts and such. That's why we need to refocus our energy on the positive and think about all the good that is given to us. In any way.
My personal way of keeping myself motivated is the good ol' quote remedy! There is so much wisdom out there from different authors, teachers, researchers/scientist. I keep a stack of post it notes that I stick on my walls and when Im feeling down, I just go through them and most of the time, it reminds me that negativity on self, never serves you. And its really what happen usually, we feel down so we flood ourselves with negative thoughts! It just comes and comes and never stop.
So Today I want to share with you some of my favorite quotes that really speaks to me in a very deep way. Sometimes I can just read one and I feel instantly better about myself. You have to learn to eliminate the unnecessary thoughts that keeps you away from reaching your goal! Kick those lil' bastards in the butts and tell them to gtfo!
Now down to business!
When I feel like my self esteem is getting low, from any kind of situation I try to remember this quote:
"Just keep moving forward and don't give a shit about what anybody thinks. Do what you have to do, for you." -Johnny Depp
When I need a kick in the butt:
"You don't get what you wish for in life, you get what you believe." -anonymous
When I feel like im being judged or scared of how people might perceive me:
"Invisibility is not an acceptable solution to oppresion" -Sylvia Rivera
When in Doubt:
"Let your excitment and desire to create outweigh your fears about what that creation might look like." -anonymous (I personally LOVE this one :D)
And last but not least, one of those quotes that always makes me laugh but impress me with its truth:
"Success is like being pregnant. Everyone congradulate you but no one knows how many times you were fucked before you got there." -anonymous
So I hope these will give you a smile and maybe like me, help you to stay motivated. Life isn't easy, in anything that you'll do, there's gonna be a time when you doubt yourself. You'll tell yourself that you're not good enough, that people look down on you, that you're not worth it. Those are not true. You must not let your own thoughts dominate you and take over your happiness. You are worth it. You are enough. And you have the ability to do anything you strongly believe in.
So stay strong loved ones! and always keep smiling :) <3
Tári ~
Remember to vote in the poll at the side of my blog! thank u :3
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