Help Me Pay for My Acting School! :D

Friday, October 18, 2013


☆♪。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   Hello My Dears☆♪。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆  
Today's post is my first Lookbook! yippie!
The pictures are not very good quality but I will do my best to take better pictures for the next lookbooks to come :)


Casual Sundays with boots from Yellow
     Tee from Forever21
        jacket from Forever21
   and black leggings

Floral Dresses in Fall are perfection <3
dress from Forever21
Creepers from Siren
lace shirt thrifted
Belt from Forever21

Cardigan thrifted
One-piece from Forever21
Creepers from Siren
(w/ a black beenie that we don't see)

Overlly comfortable day w/ Tee from Forever21
Shorts from Simons
simple black tights
I know, I know, I have an addiction of Forever21 but what can I say, this shop is heaven and so affordable I just can't resist shopping there! 
I hope you liked this little lookbook!

more to come xo


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Audition Monologue #1

☆♪。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ Hello There Mah Friends! ☆♪。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
Today, lets all remember that time when I said that I had to film a monologue for my audition for the Toronto Film School annnnnnd now I finally did it. The thing is, Im not sure if I want this one. So I thought I could film 1-2 others and check how much I like it or which of the videos will get more likes/views. So yeah, this is my first monologue, please watch it and tell me what you think! Thank you!

Enjoy! :)



Sunday, October 13, 2013

Pixie cut update! ✿

☆♪。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆  Hello There My Friends! ☆♪。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆  

So for this post, I wanted to share with you my brand new video about my pixie cut that I uploaded on my youtube channel! (btw, *Subscribe* :D)

Please let me know what you think in the comments and tell me if you'd like me to do a styling video as well. Plus...a little thumbs up would be awesome! ;)

Enjoy. xo

Take care beautiful beings xx


Saturday, October 5, 2013

Inspirational Saturdays!

So Hello there again dear friends!
Today I found these videos on youtube about actors and actresses being interviewed about their craft as actors and it was really interesting! The first video I found was about George Clooney, one of my favorite actors. I thought it would be a good idea to share this video with you because I know that there is a lot of young actors/actresses out there who needs motivation and inspiration. George Clooney is a very humble, talented man and I really thinks that you can learn a lot of things from him.

So thats why I invite you all to watch this video! I know its a bit lenghty but its worth it. Plus, if you are as passionate as I am about acting, you won't even think it was that long!

Have a nice saturday my lovelies!


Its already October! we're already in beanie season and fuzzy sweaters <3

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Random Things (◠△◠✿)

☆♪。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   Hello there dear friends! ☆♪。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   

yes, its been awhile I haven't written any articles but I was lacking in ideas!
So I decided to just let you know a bit about my life today, AKA give you random news.

So nothing too exciting really! but lets just say that my motivation is getting higher and higher every day now! im really happy about how my school is going. I can say that in 2 months and a half, I will be a proud Graduate Student! I only have to finish my english, spanish and social studies and im outta here! So thats really encouraging.

Secondly, my hair is getting longer and longer! growing a pixie cut is extremely difficult and gosh, it takes aaages! not only that, but you also have to deal with the awkwardness and wear tons of beanies everyday! Ugh. But anyways, im getting there and I can say that I'll get to my hair goal before leaving for Toronto Film School! So that's that.

Thirdly, I was having a lot of problems with my skin lately so I decided to surf the web to find the deepest beauty secrets and it is on Stumbleupon that I found them! My skin is getting just so problematic (on my face) and im having lots of problem with acne. So special treatments it is! On this website, you get to choose what kind of Interest you want to "stumble" on and one of my favorite is Beauty! I found soooo many tips n' tricks for the skin and just beauty in general. Going from makeup, to treatment, to secret recepies and much more. My skin is already getting better! yay! I definetly recommend this website for it is lots of fun and plenty of discoveries!

So, thats about it for the day, I hope you are all having a wonderfull day full of surprises and discoveries and fun and I'll talk with you guys very soon!



this post was so random (i know) but I hope u still enjoyed it! <3

Friday, September 20, 2013

My Long Awaited Headshots!

Yayyyy! Finally I get to write this article!
Its been one of the articles I couldn't wait to write! I went to my photoshoot Tuesday and the photographer was soooo nice! It was really cool that I already knew him a, I knew it wasn't scam :P

The photoshoot went perfectly, he was very open to my ideas and how I wanted the headshot to look.
And plus, he gave me such a good price! Now, for all of you beautiful peeps, I present you my headshots!

my favorite!

So I hope you guys like them! I personally LOVE 'em !
They were exactly what I wanted and I can't wait to get the others because yes, yes! there is moaaaar! :3

I will post them in another article when I'll get them. So for now, those are the results :)
I also registered myself on 3 casting agencies and I have an interview in November with them! Im SO excited but also very nervous haha. Im sure it'll be allright though!

And if some of you guys want to know who the photographer is, here is his website:

See ya around,


Monday, September 16, 2013

Me, Entering The Acting Industry.

Aahhh I can finally smell Fall coming! Its so exciting to see all the pretty colors from the trees show up and starting to drink hot chocolate (which im currently drinking!mmmh). Having relaxing bubble baths with pumpkin scented candles ¦3 Heaven! Fall is definetly my favorite season of the year!

So as you may know, tomorrow I will go to a photoshoot to get some professionnal headshots! Now, I really thought about this and how I could make my way inside the acting world. Its not the easiest thing to do when you don't have an agent (and I don't) so I was thinking, how could I get some work like tiny roles or background work or just feature in some student/grad films? well, headshots is the first step in my mind.

So as soon as I will have those bad boiz, I will immediatly register to a online casting agent that I found on the web. Its called Montreal Casting, (and Im currently living in Montreal, so its quite practical for me) and I heard good reviews about it. There is a whole registration form that you have to complete and upload a professionnal headshot. Of course I couldn't register sooner because I didn't have any headshots. There is also Orange Casting, for modeling and acting, and another one that I wanted to try out. Most of them is only for background work but as soon as you get work, more working opportunities is offered to you. And thats my goal! 

I mean, I don't expect to always get paid for my work, because Im just starting and I have absolutely zero social connections in the acting industry, so obviously, I have to build that up. But a first is a first and I really want to bring myself out there to work with people that have experience. To get seen is my goal.

So what about you guys? Do you have plans to get out there and act? Do you know what you'll do to start up your career? Tell me in the comments!



please remember to vote in the poll at the side of my blog! thank u :)

Saturday, September 14, 2013

What Keeps Me Motivated!

Sometimes when everything seems to go wrong, and we feel like the world is turning against us, we just, in fact,  really need to refill our motivational box!

Now of course for us fellow actors/actresses it might be really hard sometimes to deal with rejection and all the negative thoughts and such. That's why we need to refocus our energy on the positive and think about all the good that is given to us. In any way.

My personal way of keeping myself motivated is the good ol' quote remedy! There is so much wisdom out there from different authors, teachers, researchers/scientist. I keep a stack of post it notes that I stick on my walls and when Im feeling down, I just go through them and most of the time, it reminds me that negativity on self, never serves you. And its really what happen usually, we feel down so we flood ourselves with negative thoughts! It just comes and comes and never stop. 

So Today I want to share with you some of my favorite quotes that really speaks to me in a very deep way. Sometimes I can just read one and I feel instantly better about myself. You have to learn to eliminate the unnecessary thoughts that keeps you away from reaching your goal! Kick those lil' bastards in the butts and tell them to gtfo!

Now down to business!
When I feel like my self esteem is getting low, from any kind of situation I try to remember this quote:

"Just keep moving forward and don't give a shit about what anybody thinks. Do what you have to do, for you."    -Johnny Depp

When I need a kick in the butt:

"You don't get what you wish for in life, you get what you believe."  -anonymous

When I feel like im being judged or scared of how people might perceive me:

"Invisibility is not an acceptable solution to oppresion" -Sylvia Rivera

When in Doubt:

"Let your excitment and desire to create outweigh your fears about what that creation might look like." -anonymous   (I personally LOVE this one :D)

And last but not least, one of those quotes that always makes me laugh but impress me with its truth:

"Success is like being pregnant. Everyone congradulate you but no one knows how many times you were fucked before you got there." -anonymous

So I hope these will give you a smile and maybe like me, help you to stay motivated. Life isn't easy, in anything that you'll do, there's gonna be a time when you doubt yourself. You'll tell yourself that you're not good enough, that people look down on you, that you're not worth it. Those are not true. You must not let your own thoughts dominate you and take over your happiness. You are worth it. You are enough. And you have the ability to do anything you strongly believe in. 

So stay strong loved ones! and always keep smiling :) <3

Tári ~


Remember to vote in the poll at the side of my blog!  thank u :3

Friday, September 13, 2013

My Education Goals

For we all know that learning and shaping your craft in acting (or even anything else, but let's just talk about acting for now) is something you'll do all your life. If you are an actor, or anticipate on being one, you will learn and study and take workshop and what not, all your life. Its important to always sharpen your skills. 

But since Im just starting, Im still in the "i have to go to acting school to make my acting skills flourish" so I have been thinking about which school to go to. Right know, im still in high school, which I do at home. I always have been homeschooled with an american program (where I learned english quite at a young age) so since I am 17 years old, I am in my last high school year. I think you guys call it grade 12? in French its a bit different so im unsure. Anyways, Its like a preparatory year to go to University. So, since I finished grade 11th in may, I started this last year in June to be sure to finish as quick as possible. I'll be graduating in December, so Im really happy.

Once I'll get my Diploma, I can go anywhere! The acting school that I have my eyes on, required me to have a diploma. The one I thought I would absolutely go, was the Toronto Academy of Acting for Film and Television in January 2014. Of course, because thats where I went in August for the acting camp and my teacher was so pleased that he told me he would make me enter the program without needing the audition. I was glad and expected going there without asking any questions....but the thing is, some problems have occured with the administration and know im confused...its not that easy, and whatever that teacher said, the admin doesn't 

So right now, its on the shelf. And as I was looking on the web some other schools, I thought, "what if there is not only one acting school in Toronto? maybe there's another one..", so I checked and guess what I found! A complete 18 months program in Acting for Film and Television with the Toronto Film School. Yes, obviously it is more expensive, but thats because its 18 months rather than 4, and the program is damn well constructed with all kind of usefull classes. So im really thinking about it right now. There is always groups beginning in January, April, July, and October....I thought that maybe it would be smart to start in April rather than January because I would have more time to save up some money. And yes, I would def do the tape.

So yeah, thats it for now...its a lot of decisions, and I always have trouble making decisions when there's money involved....and there is a lot involved in this decision. anyways, I hope to find a good school....personally, I kind of really want to go to this one instead of my first one. Its just so much more complete! and there's a diploma too and I don't know...I just think it would be best. 

Long story short, I got to Graduate in December, work work work, and go live in Toronto for close to 2 years at acting school. Sounds like a dream to me! :)

Tári ~

Gotta stay motivated friends!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Why I want to be an Actress

So for today's article, I thought it would have been a good idea to share you all of you the reasons I want to be an actress. I personnaly feel like this is such a difficult thing to explain but bear with me and we'll get through it :)

First thing first, I always wanted to be an actress. Since I was a babe, around the age of 6 or 7, all I could think of was how I wanted to be an actress. Become someone else, dive into an unknown universe where I could make an audience believe a world that only I could see.

I always loved stories, whether it was creating it, hearing it, or just reading it somewhere. Stories have this magical feeling around them where they transport you into another world. I really think its incredible. And being a part of it? I wouldn't be able to picture myself feeling complete without it. Acting is my ultimate passion. I can't picture myself doing anything else in life. Nothing else interest me (in terms of career) like acting does. 

Growing up, everytime I would share my dream with someone, it wouldn't go very well. My parents were very protective of me and they didn't want me to lose myself into an impossible dream. At least, it was how I felt. I would get shut down. Being told that a dream like that was nonsense and immature. Being an actor is hard, you don't always have the security of having a stable job. You have to work part-time and then run in different directions all the time to get to your auditions or call-backs and such. The acting industry is a hard world. 

But I was telling myself that, having a stable job, good pay, comfortable routine, and doing something you hate...isn't that even more hard? Isn't that terribly sad? Yes, you do have money to take care of yourself and you are sure that you won't lack of anything,...that's what they say...but...isn't that horribly sad if you aren't even happy with your life? You know, I really believe some people are okay with having to work their ass off in whatever they do. Even if its hard. Even if they don't sleep much and eat 1-2 meals a day or have to be carefull about every dollar spent....even if they can't have stable relationships. But what if this is how I want my life to be? I am okay with it. I actually want my life to be a challenge. Challenges are interesting. And I can't let myself live a life that isn't even interesting to me.

Still today, a lot of people I know give me "the look" like they are laughing at my career choice. "Oh this girl is a dreamer". So what? At least I have a dream and Im ready to work my ass off to achieve it. And not just that, I Believe in myself. 

My passion for acting and creating stories outweighs my fears and doubt. Doesn't mean I don't doubt myself. I do, sometimes. But that's what happens to humans who care about their dreams. Its normal, and in the end, you'll just keep going until you reach that point where you're satisfied with your position. Even if it takes me years, I'll still keep going.

"The only failure, is not to try!" -George Clooney

Tári ~


this is how I feel today thoooo ¦3

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

My Skin Care Secrets

When it comes to skin care, I always go for the kitchen's raw products.

With my eternal baby skin, as sensitive, thin, and prone to dying from the "unnatural" things from beauty product and cleansers so called "made for sensitive skin" I have no other choice than being extra extra carefull with what I use to clean it, hide flaws and such.

But how do I do it? certainly wasn't easy and it took me years to finally see what worked. Why is my face still acne-affected? well....I have a terrible bad habit of not being consistent. But you know, at least I admit it and Im working on that 24/7.  

Now down to business...

I have my personal favorites for cleansers:

-The only real soap I use for my face (and I only use it 2-3 days a week) is Neutrogena transparent soap bar. you can literally see through it its really cool.

-As for the kitchen's product, I go for the Oatmeal. I put a small quantity in the palm of my hand and with warm water I make it moist. I then apply that extremly messy mixture on my face and boom. amazing soft skin and in a week, seriously you can see the change. Its amazing.

-Then, there is the green tea mixed with rice flour and mashed cucumbers. also messy. but damn, so effective.

For the toners:

Green tea water with vitamin E drops mixed with the green tea leaves, poured into an icecube maker, thrown in the freezer and when that stuff is frozen, every morning you run an icecube on your face (and after every warm showers at night) This magic tone, reduce redness/puffiness, closes pores, as well as cleansing the pores. So much good stuff. and its really quick and easy to use so its not like you have to take an hour every morning to make your face ready to go makeup application.

There is also lemon juice that works, but as I said, my skin is extra extra sensitive and even this natural kitchen product is still too strong for my face. So I leave it to those who needs extra strenght in their toners.


Sugar mixed with soy milk. It works. Wonderfully. No further explanation needed.

Now, for when we all have those weeks. Those weeks where your skin just doesn't give a sh*t about anything and wants to do what it wants to do and you can't just hide your pimples and blackheads with your so-called amazing foundation/concealer/liquid powder/powder.....there is THE ONE AND ONLY 

Vanilla yogurt. organic vanilla yogurt. Oh you put that stuff on your face every night for a week, and not only will your face become like soft baby skin, but you will think you suddenly became a k-pop superstar with flawless skin. At least this is what I said to myself a week after applying yogurt on my face while watching tv with my bowl. Just eatin' my yogurt and then had the brilliant idea of putting that thing all over my face. and it feels wonderfull too! so relaxing ^_^ !

And im assuming I don't need to talk about moisturizing your skin because this is obvious and yes I do use normal moisturizer (I personally love soft :3)

Now, Im not saying these will help everyone, because y'all know we are all different and skin is literally so problematic when you are in your friggin' teenage years, but just sayin'. For someone with my type of skin, it did help. I really ditched all the products that were made for acne or pimples or whatever. Those just don't work. I've tried so many but so many and it was always getting worse, or not helping at all.

So you guys let me know if you tried any of these and tell me in the comments if it helped! I hope it will, for some of you at least :)

Tári ~

I can finally put my hair all the way back! yay!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Getting Headshots

I knew I was going to need those soon enough.

I've been looking for photographers for so long! There is literally so many good photographers out there with different styles and prices and such and such. But fiiiinally I found one. And guess what, I forgot I knew the guy. Yeah I could have thought about it sooner and ask him, but oh well, im a really distracted person.

I contacted him and his work is so amazing, and he even made me a special price! I am so happy! I will finally be able to register to an online casting site and send headshots for tiny roles or background work. I will probably leave with between 2-4 headshots which is really acceptable. 

I will also need to go get some new ones in January 2014 because Im letting my pixie cut grow back to the middle of my giraffe neck. Therefor, I must keep my headshots up to date with my look.

I will be going to the shoot next week! Im so excited and nervous-ish because this is my first time and I think its an amazing experience. Im at the beginning of my acting journey and everything I come accross is a step further to my goal.

There is something that really bugs me freakin' late teenager problematic skin. The photographer does incredible photoshop work but even if so, I still want fair skin. Its really difficult to keep my skin smooth and nice because there is so much stress, nutrition, weather, and other reasons that makes it hard to balance.

I am very good with makeup though. I learned a lot from youtube tutorials when I was younger and I tried so many different products for my type of extremely sensitive skin. and I can say I developed some golden skills to hide it all. But I still want to improve it. Its better than it was months ago but there is still a lot of noticable flaws and I know that on camera.....yikes, it shows.

ANYWAYS, I shall give you more updates soon! I literally cannot wait to show you my headshots! I know they'll be amazing im just so pumped! haha.

See ya on da oda side ~


this is a pic I took while in Toronto for the acting camp! so fun >_< (i miss ma friends)

ALSO PLEASE VOTE! I am doing a personal experiment with stage names and I need your help! all those three names have personal meaning to me but Im curious to know which one you guys prefer! here is the link:

Monday, September 9, 2013

A New Start

Here it is,

my first blog post. I hope you guys will have fun following me through my journey. It won't be easy, it will be long, but it'll be fun and full of adventures!

I am going under the name of Tári Waters because I wanted a scene name and it is a pretty good translation of my real name. I won't be publishing it here but Im really happy with it. Therefor, nice to meet you, new name!

Now a bit about me,

I am 17 years old, Im living in Montreal, Canada. I have a cat and I had a hedgehog but I had to sell it 2 days ago (sniff sniff)  becauuuuse Im leaving Montreal soon (in what 4-5 months?) to go live in Toronto to pursue my dream! Acting.

I always wanted to act. Its been a dream since I was a babe. SINCE I GOT OUT OF THE WOMB. just kidding, but still.

My family never really was with me on this one though....I feel like they don't believe in it. So when I was younger, I left it in a box under my bed, telling myself that one day, yeah one day  I will achieve this dream. And here I am. At 17 years old, beginning this journey of passion, hard work, and all that jazz.

My parents changed their mind a bit when I grew up because now im more persistent and they see that I really want this, and they know that im serious about it. I know its not an easy career. I know it'll be extremely hard and I have to never give up. NEVER. But I know, that this is what I want to do.


In August, I went to an acting camp for 2 weeks at the Toronto Academy of Acting for Film and Television, and it was amazing. I had the time of my life there! and I got amazing feedback from my teacher and really, it was incredibly encouraging!

Now, they do have a full time adult program (its 4 months) in Acting starting in January 2014...the thing is, I found another great school in Toronto (the Toronto Film School) that offers a 18 months complete acting program. and believe me, there is 6 terms of 3 months each and all the classes and the offers and the diploma and all that just seems more complete. I feel if I should go there instead. I have to submit an audition by tape and a paper about what inspired me to become an actress and you know. Of course, its more expensive because its 18 months and not 4. But im already saving up for it and my parents are really open at helping me. They're the best.

So we'll see, we need more information about the Toronto film school and we have to see if I could have some financial aid from the government. its so expensive *-*

Anyways! I know a lot of amazing things are coming up and I can't wait to share some more with you guys!

See ya on da oda side

~ ~ ~


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